Exegesis Spatial Data Management


Mike Lush

Mike leads the ecological consultancy at Exegesis, also having a hand in some of the GIS work.

Mike is an ecologist with over a decade of field experience and a strong interest in GIS. He has a good general knowledge of wildlife and conservation, with particular expertise in botany and entomology. Joining the Exegesis team in 2008, he came with a reputation for combining spatial data management and analysis with sound ecological knowledge. Other previous work involved management planning, detailed botanical surveys, desk-based reviews and Ecological Impact Assessment.

During his time at Exegesis, Mike has developed two major survey methodologies; captured a wide variety of ecological data in GIS; processed spatial data in MapInfo, ArcGIS, QGIS and GRASS; managed large-scale field survey projects; performed statistical regression analysis; developed simple Access and GIS tools; and managed over fifty projects. Mike is also a registered PRINCE2 practitioner.

Semi-professionally, Mike is an ant taxonomist, covering the UK and world faunas, including Europe, Africa and Australia. In recent years he has been expanding his knowledge of other UK invertebrates. Other interests are raising children and attempting to create a wildlife friendly garden.

Mike Lush

Mike Lush

Consultant Ecologist / Project Manager

Email: mike.lush@idoxgroup.com

Telephone: 03330111305
