Exegesis Spatial Data Management


Posts in Category: Data processing

A system for categorizing the rarity and scarcity of Irish invertebrates

Client: National Parks and Wildlife Service

Rare and scarce status of Irish invertebratesExegesis developed a novel approach for consistently determining rarity statuses, distributions and mapping Irish invertebrates.

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Deer Vehicle Collisions in Scotland Analysis

Client: NatureScot

Deer Vehicle Collisions (DVC) analysis in ScotlandExegesis analysed the distribution and scale of Deer Vehicle Collisions in Scotland, covering data from 2008 to 2021.

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Technical support for CoPLAR Land Zoning in Scotland

Client: Zero Waste Scotland

Litter land zoning for CoPLARWe were contracted to provide technical GIS support to Scottish local authorities as they zoned relevant areas of land based on their potential for litter.

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National Historic Landscape Characterisation (NHLC) Project

Client: Natural England

Extract from the 1km grid NHLCExegesis were appointed by Natural England to compile a national HLC dataset, drawing together the existing sub-regional HLC datasets and applying a common framework, structure and terminology to a new unified dataset. The aim of the project is to improve the awareness, understanding and ability to manage and monitor England’s historic landscape at a national scale.

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Integrating Legal Orders into CAMS

Client: Bridgend County Borough Council

Updating rights of way mappingexeGesIS successfully incorporated the changes made by over 140 public path orders into the digital map layer, and linked the scanned order files to records in CAMS. This provided the client with an effective, efficient tool to help manage their rights of way.

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Wood-pasture and parkland data analysis

Client: Natural England

The saproxylic beetle Trypodendron signatum. © Mike Lush, 2016We demonstrated through spatial processing and statistical analysis that it may be possible to predict wood pasture and parkland quality. This project generated a model that could be used to target survey effort to those sites with the highest predicted quality.

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Wales Active Travel project

Client: Welsh Government

The Wales Active Travel Act required Local Authorities to produce a map of safe footpaths and cycle-ways. We provided a web-mapping solution for the collation and management of this information.

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UKDMOS Archive Importer and Database

Client: JNCC

This desktop application imports archives from the UKDMOS database into SQL Server and converts the spatial data into SQL geometry layers. It creates layers that can be used by JNCC when assessing the extent of UK marine monitoring according to each broad marine discipline (e.g. biodiversity, physical oceanography and fisheries).

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Marine Data & GI Specialist Advice Framework

Client: Natural England

Marine Data & GI Specialist Advice Framework for Natural EnglandExegesis quickly and efficiently standardised existing polygon data to MESH Translated Habitat DEF using a range of tools within ArcGIS, QGIS, GRASS and MapInfo. We also imported survey data into Marine Recorder following expert analysis of the data to determine biotopes.

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Understanding the impact of invasive non-native species on protected sites

Client: Natural England

Invasive non-native species on protected sitesexeGesIS were contracted to investigate the distribution of non-native species on protected sites in England, to help develop a programme of work to tackle Invasive Non-Native Species. Large scale data analysis was used to determine which protected site each species occurred within. We also reviewed data flow within Natural England.

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