Exegesis Spatial Data Management


Posts in Category: Biodiversity

UKDMOS Archive Importer and Database

Client: JNCC

This desktop application imports archives from the UKDMOS database into SQL Server and converts the spatial data into SQL geometry layers. It creates layers that can be used by JNCC when assessing the extent of UK marine monitoring according to each broad marine discipline (e.g. biodiversity, physical oceanography and fisheries).

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Production of a provisional inventory of Open Mosaic Habitat on Previously Developed Land in England

Client: Natural England

Open Mosaic Habitat inventory refinementExegesis were contracted to create and refine a complete provisional inventory of Open Mosaic Habitat (OMH) in England. We used a combination of available data sources and aerial photograph interpretation to accurately map possible OMH, also capturing information on the confidence that OMH was present.

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Marine Data & GI Specialist Advice Framework

Client: Natural England

Marine Data & GI Specialist Advice Framework for Natural EnglandExegesis quickly and efficiently standardised existing polygon data to MESH Translated Habitat DEF using a range of tools within ArcGIS, QGIS, GRASS and MapInfo. We also imported survey data into Marine Recorder following expert analysis of the data to determine biotopes.

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Understanding the impact of invasive non-native species on protected sites

Client: Natural England

Invasive non-native species on protected sitesexeGesIS were contracted to investigate the distribution of non-native species on protected sites in England, to help develop a programme of work to tackle Invasive Non-Native Species. Large scale data analysis was used to determine which protected site each species occurred within. We also reviewed data flow within Natural England.

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Documentation of the NBN REST API

Client: Joint Nature Conservation Committee

Documenting the NBN REST web servicesexeGesIS was contracted by the JNCC to provide documentation for the REST API. This was aimed at hobbyist programmers and included a ‘cookbook’ showing how to make a REST call and interpret the response.

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Options for an inventory of Annex I habitats

Client: Natural England

Options for an inventory of Annex 1 habitatsExegesis investigated the options for creating an Annex I habitat inventory for England. This involved a review of approaches taken by other European Union countries and the data available in the UK. A recommended approach was suggested, along with the provision of prototype inventories to show potential coverage.

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Using HBSMR to record Local Wildlife Site data

Client: Cheshire West and Chester Council

CW&C LWS data in HBSMRCheshire West and Chester Council completed the task of creating a new register of locally designated wildlife sites. The new list was to be stored and managed in HBSMR, which had been in use by the Cheshire Historic Environment Record since 2002. exeGesIS was contracted to develop and install the necessary customisations.

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Definition and mapping of open mosaic habitats on previously developed land: phase 2 testing methods and developing the habitat inventory

Client: Defra

The hoverfly Xylota sylvarumWe identified the key features and enhanced knowledge of the distribution of UK BAP Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land. This involved the development of a survey methodology and a survey of 98 sites to identify OMH habitat, including a survey of invertebrates on 50 - the largest single survey of its kind in the UK.

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Mapping Green Infrastructure delivery

Client: Natural England

exeGesIS collated maps of Green Infrastructure (GI) delivery and captured the information. Areas of UK priority habitats and other GI were separately mapped and attributed. In total, 753 cases were mapped amounting to 3,485 polygons (21,342 ha).

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Supply of Green Infrastructure monitoring

Client: Natural England

exeGesIS developed a methodology for monitoring Green Infrastructure (GI) delivery based upon Natural England's existing Integrated Site Assessment methodology. This encompassed ecology, access, green roofs and other aspects of GI delivery.

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