Exegesis Spatial Data Management



cloudscribe - free open source components for building cross-platform websites

We offer cloudscribe development, training & support, plus commercial add-ons to give your sites more impact.

MapInfo - Geographic Information System

We offer MapInfo software, training & support and have developed add-ons that make MapInfo even more productive.

ArcGIS - Geographic Information System

We offer ArcGIS software, training & support and have developed add-ons that make ArcGIS even more productive.

QGIS - Geographic Information System

We can provide advice, support and training in using QGIS software. We have developed add-ons that make QGIS even more productive.

CMSi - Conservation Management System

The only software package that allows you to plan, record and report on your management plan.

CAMS - Countryside Access Management System

The complete system for maintaining and managing all access including Rights of Way, Sites and Promoted Routes.

HBSMR - Historic Buildings, Sites and Monuments Record

The definitive database and GIS application for maintaining Historic Environment Records.

LibraryLink - digital asset manager

Integrates document and images management with your business applications.


Fly-tipping recording, management and reporting system.

GIS Utilities

Add-ons designed to make MapInfo, ArcGIS and QGIS easier to use and more powerful.


Connect ESRI ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro to edit geospatial data in SQL Server or PostGIS.


