Exegesis Spatial Data Management


When a new installation of MapInfo Pro prompts for MAPINFOW.FNT etc

On starting MapInfo Pro, it prompts for the location of MAPINFOW.FNT (and a few similar files). A file search shows that these files do not exist on the machine. 

This typically occurs when an Administrator installs MapInfo Professional and then logs off the machine without running the program at least once (it is the first run as admin that installs these files). The easiest solution is to have the user go to the MapInfo\Professional\AddUser folder (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\MapInfo\Professional\AddUser) and run the "MapInfo Professional User.msi" file found there and then re-start MapInfo Professional.



re: When a new installation of MapInfo Pro prompts for MAPINFOW.FNT etc

17 February 2016


Jojie Mapuvire

re: When a new installation of MapInfo Pro prompts for MAPINFOW.FNT etc

15 February 2017

I am having problems in installing the MAPINFOW.FNT/PEN/CLR


re: When a new installation of MapInfo Pro prompts for MAPINFOW.FNT etc

31 May 2017

hola buenas noches me pueden ayudar soy nuevo en esto, instale el programa pero al ajecutarlo me pide estos archivitos MAPINFOW.FNT, despues MAPINFOW.PEN y MAPINFOW.CLR me pueden ayudar
