Exegesis Spatial Data Management


HBSMR Gateway Costs

The HBSMR Gateway can run on a web server managed by the HER's host organisation, or can be hosted by exeGesIS. Indicative costs for both options are shown in the table at the bottom of the page (based on 2015/16 prices, exc. VAT).


On HER / Local Authority web server

Any HER with access to a web server should be able to host their own HBSMR Gateway service. This can be a helpful first step towards launching a fully fledged online HER in the future. It also has the advantage of giving the HER full control over data loading without incurring additional costs.

Setup costs will include the cost of licences for the HBSMR Gateway database, images and GIS modules, as appropriate. They will also include the estimated cost of a typical site visit by exeGesIS to install and configure the Gateway service. There may also be local authority IT costs. The timescale for setting up a Gateway service on an HER/local authority web server will need to be agreed between exeGesIS and the client's IT department.


On exeGesIS web server

There are no one-off licence costs for this option as the Gateway service will be hosted by exeGesIS on a shared web server. The indicative costs shown below cover the consultancy time for configuring a new web service for the HER in question. Annual costs are for the hosting of this service and associated technical support.

The setup costs include the first load of data. Additional loads are charged at £116 per load.

NB if the HBSMR application is also hosted by exeGesIS (see Hosting HBSMR) then the loads are controlled by the HER Officer and these additional charges will not apply.


Indicative costs

Indicative costs for both options are summarised below (based on 2015/16 prices):

Initial setup/licensing costs

  On HER/Local Authority web server On exeGesIS web server

Database with/without images

~ £4,000 £573

Database (with/without images) plus mapping

~ £5,000 £1,146

Annual maintenance/hosting costs

  On HER/Local Authority web server On exeGesIS web server

Database only


£1,155 (plus £116 per load)

Database with images


£1,732 (plus £116 per load)

Database (no images) with mapping


£1,732 (plus £116 per load)

Database with images and mapping


£2,309 (plus £116 per load)


Modified 10/09/2015