Exegesis Spatial Data Management


Posts in Category: Ecology

A system for categorizing the rarity and scarcity of Irish invertebrates

Client: National Parks and Wildlife Service

Rare and scarce status of Irish invertebratesExegesis developed a novel approach for consistently determining rarity statuses, distributions and mapping Irish invertebrates.

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Deer Vehicle Collisions in Scotland Analysis

Client: NatureScot

Deer Vehicle Collisions (DVC) analysis in ScotlandExegesis analysed the distribution and scale of Deer Vehicle Collisions in Scotland, covering data from 2008 to 2021.

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Review of occurrence and options for control of Common Cord-grass in Ireland

Client: National Parks and Wildlife Service

Review of occurrence and options for control of Common Cord-grass in IrelandExegesis undertook a review of common cord-grass in Ireland. This covered its impacts on ecosystems, distribution and extent, and a review of control techniques.

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Wales bait digging survey

Client: Natural Resources Wales

Bait diggingExegesis were contracted to establish whether aerial imagery from UAVs could be used to investigate the spatial and temporal extent of bait digging at selected sites in Wales.

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Interactive web mappers for seabed habitats and marine protected areas

Client: JNCC

JNCC Marine mapperExegesis developed a new mapping system to display marine spatial data, consisting of a web interface for configuring the mapper and a modern and feature-rich web application for displaying maps.

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Morfa Friog Coastal Realignment Project saltmarsh vegetation monitoring

Client: Natural Resources Wales

Morfa Friog saltmarsh monitoringExegesis was contracted to establish vegetation monitoring at a saltmarsh coastal realignment site. This required the collection of high resolution aerial imagery, quadrat based vegetation survey, mapping in GIS and production of a detailed report.

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Gower hedgerow mapping

Client: City and County of Swansea Council

Mapping the Gower's hedgerowsWe created a hedgerow map for the Gower based upon Ordnance Survey MasterMap and aerial photograph interpretation. The resulting dataset contained 22,370 features of which 17,013 were thought to be hedges.

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Wood-pasture and parkland data analysis

Client: Natural England

The saproxylic beetle Trypodendron signatum. © Mike Lush, 2016We demonstrated through spatial processing and statistical analysis that it may be possible to predict wood pasture and parkland quality. This project generated a model that could be used to target survey effort to those sites with the highest predicted quality.

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Production of a provisional inventory of Open Mosaic Habitat on Previously Developed Land in England

Client: Natural England

Open Mosaic Habitat inventory refinementExegesis were contracted to create and refine a complete provisional inventory of Open Mosaic Habitat (OMH) in England. We used a combination of available data sources and aerial photograph interpretation to accurately map possible OMH, also capturing information on the confidence that OMH was present.

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Marine Data & GI Specialist Advice Framework

Client: Natural England

Marine Data & GI Specialist Advice Framework for Natural EnglandExegesis quickly and efficiently standardised existing polygon data to MESH Translated Habitat DEF using a range of tools within ArcGIS, QGIS, GRASS and MapInfo. We also imported survey data into Marine Recorder following expert analysis of the data to determine biotopes.

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