Posts in Category: GIS

Wales Coast Path Condition Survey

Client: Natural Resources Wales / Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru

Wales Coast Path LogoexeGesIS and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) undertook a 1,200 km survey of the Wales Coast Path prior to its opening. This was used to establish a baseline for the condition of the path and provide a resource for those responsible for its management. exeGesIS worked with NRW to establish the methodology for the survey.

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Highland HER Online

Client: The Highland Council

Highland HER coverageexeGesIS was commissioned by The Highland Council to migrate their existing Historic Environment Record (HER) systems into our HBSMR application platform. With an area the size of a small country, a key part of this work was to publish the HER online, to make it more accessible to Highland residents and heritage professionals.

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Creating a provisional wood-pasture and parkland inventory for England

Client: Natural England

Wood-pasture and parkland inventoryOver a series of projects exeGesIS created a spatial inventory of wood pasture and parkland in England. Data were assessed against historic maps and aerial photography, as well as modern data sources. Ground truthing was undertaken in two regions. The resulting inventory mapped 156,838 ha of wood-pasture and parkland.

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Feasibility study for the development of a Connectivity Assessment Tool for Kent and Nord-Pas de Calais

Client: Kent County Council

Habitat connectivity assessmentexeGesIS were contracted to undertake a feasibility study on the development of a tool to assess functional ecological connectivity. This involved an assessment of user needs, a review of the available methods and approaches, a stakeholder workshop to identify the preferred options and the development of a functional specification.

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Habitat and land use GIS tool

Client: Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre (HBIC)

Habitat and land use toolThe purpose of the habitat and land-use toolkit was to maintain and update a GIS habitat layer and associated attributes in a relational database. The tool manages the link between the GIS and database, ensuring that any changes to the features or the attributes are reflected in all data.

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Carmarthenshire Greenspace analysis

Client: Carmarthenshire County Council

Carmarthenshire Greenspace analysisexeGesIS undertook an analysis of Greenspace and Public Open Space in Carmarthenshire for 21 major and 51 minor settlements to determine the percentage of the population in each settlement which passed set criteria. The results were reviewed by local authority staff via a website, allowing comments to be left and read by others.

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Flintshire Rights of Way Network Digitisation

Client: Flintshire County Council

Flintshire County Council recruited exeGesIS to update their digital definitive map. The scenario was that the digital Definitive map hadn’t been updated for several years, while in that time a number of Legal Orders had come into force that changed the network, meaning their digital definitive map was out of date and inaccurate.

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Marine intertidal habitat review and assessment

Client: Countryside Council for Wales

Marine intertidal habitat analysis softwareexeGesIS analysed Marine Intertidal Phase 1 data for the whole of Wales using the standard CCW Conservation Assessment Protocol and a bespoke database application in Microsoft Access. This application reads and analysis the original survey data to produce reports containing the results, measured against SSSI selection criteria.

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Heads of the Valleys Greenspace Provision Analysis

Client: A consortium of Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Torfaen, Merthyr and Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Councils

Heads of the Valleys Greenspace provisionOver several years exeGesIS undertook a number of analyses of Greenspace provision, comparing the results against the standards in the CCW Greenspace Toolkit. Analysis was undertaken to determine the distance between each postcode and the nearest access point on the nearest Greenspace.

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Scoping Study and Pilot Survey of Upland Habitats

Client: National Parks and Wildlife Service

Upland habitat mapping in IrelandThis project involved the collation and evaluation of a suite of ecological datasets, the production of an indicative map of upland habitats, an investigation of upland field data collection options, and capturing all survey data to GIS.

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