CMSi - the solution for conservation management

Conservation Management System Solution
Eco Cabins. Kogelberg Nature Reserve, CapeNature

CMSi uses a range of technologies to address the multi-faceted nature of site management, including web, desktop and mobile solutions.


As a site manager you need access to information at all times no matter where you're working and can no longer rely on going to the office to print 'stuff' out before you go on-site. CMSWeb gives you that access to information wherever you are on any web-enabled mobile device. And not only that. You can actually plan your projects, record the work you've done and update site and other data anywhere, meaning you get to spend more time in the field or elsewhere doing the tasks that are important to you. Over the next few years we believe that 80% of users will be transitioning to web and mobile from desktop. You can read more about CMSWeb here.

Conservation Management System Web

CMSi Desktop

Of course, there will always be things that are best done in the office. Preparing plans and budgets, advanced administrative tasks, system configuration are, at present, better handled in the Desktop application. And of course CMSi Desktop continues to be a powerful application for all your site management data needs. You can read more about CMSi Desktop here.

Conservation Management System title

CMSi Survey App

If you're looking to carry-out extensive habitat or species surveys then our Survey and Monitoring module will provide you with the tools to plan and execute the data collection. With the CMSi Survey app for mobile devices that data collection suddenly becomes so much easier. And because you've planned the survey you can be sure that your field staff will collect the data according to your methodology. You can read more about the CMSi Survey app here.

Conservation Management System Mobile

To learn more, talk to other users or see CMSi in action, please contact us at

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