Posts in Category: Historic Environment Record

National Historic Landscape Characterisation (NHLC) Project

Client: Natural England

Extract from the 1km grid NHLCExegesis were appointed by Natural England to compile a national HLC dataset, drawing together the existing sub-regional HLC datasets and applying a common framework, structure and terminology to a new unified dataset. The aim of the project is to improve the awareness, understanding and ability to manage and monitor England’s historic landscape at a national scale.

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Faculty Application System and Church Heritage Record

Client: Church of England

Church of England Faculty Application System and Church Heritage RecordThe Archbishops’ Council Faculty Simplification Group commissioned a working party to make recommendations for modernising and streamlining the faculty system. As part of this endeavour, ChurchCare - the Church of England's national resource - together with Exegesis, developed the Church Heritage Record and Online Faculty System.

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HBSMR Data Merge for Peak District National Park Authority

Client: Peak District National Park Authority

Peak District National ParkThe Peak District National Park Authority has had access to the HER data of the five constituent local authorities, stored in separate HBSMR databases, for nearly ten years. In order for the National Park Authority to maintain SHINE (Selected Heritage Inventory for Natural England) data within the Park a merged dataset was required.

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Archive Transformation - Relocation to DeepStore

Client: Cambridgeshire County Council

CCC archive relocation to DeepStoreCambridgeshire County Council has relocated much of its archaeological archive to DeepStore in Cheshire. All items in the existing archive were recatalogued and exeGesIS provided a technical solution to capture archive data for inclusion in the county's Historic Environment Record, which is stored and managed in HBSMR.

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North York Moors Mobile Buildings at Risk Survey

Client: North York Moors National Park Authority

North York Moors Mobile Buildings at Risk SurveyWe worked with North York Moors National Park Authority to fulfil their Heritage At Risk Pilot project, developing a mobile “app” plus mechanisms for managing authentication and synchronising the survey data with the main Historic Environment Record database.

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Using HBSMR to record Local Wildlife Site data

Client: Cheshire West and Chester Council

CW&C LWS data in HBSMRCheshire West and Chester Council completed the task of creating a new register of locally designated wildlife sites. The new list was to be stored and managed in HBSMR, which had been in use by the Cheshire Historic Environment Record since 2002. exeGesIS was contracted to develop and install the necessary customisations.

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