Coast Alive Smartphone Project

Client: Norfolk County Council

Coast Alive smartphone applicationFor this pilot project we developed two mobile applications that successfully demonstrate how rights of way data from Norfolk County Council and Zeeland can be consumed, shared and updated by mobile users. The apps connect to a variety of back-office data sources from Norfolk, Zeeland and other providers and allow the mobile user to see data and information in their local area, edit that information and report issues back to the host databases.

The technology used by the project is based upon a number of open source and open standards frameworks and may be deployed across a wide range of Android and iOS smartphones in the market today. The technical solution developed by the project follows a modular design and has been configured for use in each of the two mobile apps (Norfolk CC and Zeeland). This modular design is important as it allows additional functionality to be added by future projects and also allows existing modules to be re-developed or even removed as native technology in mobile devices develops. It also means that new mobile apps requiring a different set of functionality can be rapidly developed using existing modules with different configurations.

Further information from Laine Skinner.

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