How to avoid version dependency when developing mojoPortal custom features When developing custom modules for mojoPortal, the standard guidance (e.g. see is to develop against the latest source code. However we have... read more Posted by Stewart Bellamy 18 June 2012 Categories: mojoPortal Visual Studio Comments(0)
Creating bootable usb vhd You can create a vhd which is entirelt bootable from a USB stick. Notes: Only works with Win7 Ultimate or Server 2008 R2 (or later) The vhd will be dependent on the hardware of the machine it was... read more Posted by 17 June 2012 Comments(0)
Revealed: the Identity of the ApplicationPoolIdentity While setting up a new mojoPortal site I tried our running the application pool with the identity “ApplicationPoolIdentity”. Previously we have tended to create a specific user account for each site... read more Posted by Crispin Flower 08 June 2012 Categories: IIS mojoPortal Comments(1)
ArcGIS: Table of Contents problems with dual monitors Basically the user was complaining that they could not turn layers on and off in the Table of Contents (the left hand pane) but they could go in to the properties of the layer and turn... read more Posted by Steve Ellwood 06 June 2012 Categories: ArcGIS Comments(0)
Inspecting web service requests from Quantum GIS with Fiddler When connecting to any mapping web service, such as a WMS of WFS, just occasionally things don’t work first time (or is that just me…?). When this happens it is useful to be able to inspect the HTTP... read more Posted by Crispin Flower 04 June 2012 Categories: Fiddler MapServer Quantum GIS (QGIS) WMS Comments(0)