GeoServer WFS fails on SQL Server tables/views with GUID data type Just a quick note that might be useful to some. The problem... If you publish a SQL Server (in this case 2014) table or view with a GUID field using GeoServer (version 2.10), it will fail to... read more Posted by Crispin Flower 11 January 2017 Categories: GeoServer OGR/GDAL SQL Server WFS Comments(0)
Using R with spatial data R is a cross platform statistical package which is becoming extremely widely used. It is modular and so there are all sorts of add ins available, including a number of sophisticated tools for... read more Posted by 28 December 2013 Categories: GIS (general) OGR/GDAL Projections SQL Server Comments(0)
Serving Ordnance Survey rasters with GeoServer and MapServer - some irks and quirks I’ve been preparing a tilecache of UK Ordnance Survey mapping for a couple of big projects, combining Open Data with licensed Landranger (1:50,000) and Explorer (1:25,000) mapping. The tilecache... read more Posted by Crispin Flower 21 January 2012 Categories: GeoServer GIS (general) MapServer OGR/GDAL Python Comments(0)
Some jottings on SQL Azure and GIS I have set up a SQL Azure 90 day trial (as of 18th November) to test whether ArcSquirrel can work ... read more Posted by Crispin Flower 19 November 2011 Categories: ArcGIS Azure GIS (general) GISquirrel MS Access OGR/GDAL Quantum GIS (QGIS) SQL Server Comments(1)
Don't forget the PG tip When opening a PostGIS datasource using the OGR C# wrapper in .Net, the connection string must have "PG:" prefix, as follows: ... Imports OSGeo.OGR ... Dim drv As OSGeo.OGR.Driver... read more Posted by Crispin Flower 15 November 2011 Categories: OGR/GDAL PostgreSQL/PostGIS Comments(0)
Mapserver 6 and regular expressions In earlier versions of mapserver you might have a regular expression that looked like: EXPRESSION ('[HAB_TYPE]' =~/^A1.1/) If you try this with mapserver 6 however (especially on large datasets)... read more Posted by 08 November 2011 Categories: MapServer OGR/GDAL Comments(0)