Production of a provisional inventory of Open Mosaic Habitat on Previously Developed Land in England Client: Natural England Exegesis were contracted to create and refine a complete provisional inventory of Open Mosaic Habitat (OMH) in England. We used a combination of available data sources and aerial photograph interpretation to accurately map possible OMH, also capturing information on the confidence that OMH was present. ... read more December 2014. Categories: Biodiversity Brownfield Ecology GIS Habitat inventory Spatial data capture
Definition and mapping of open mosaic habitats on previously developed land: phase 2 testing methods and developing the habitat inventory Client: Defra We identified the key features and enhanced knowledge of the distribution of UK BAP Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land. This involved the development of a survey methodology and a survey of 98 sites to identify OMH habitat, including a survey of invertebrates on 50 - the largest single survey of its kind in the UK. ... read more April 2013. Categories: Biodiversity Brownfield Consultation Data analysis Database Desk research Ecology Habitat inventory Habitat survey Invertebrate survey Spatial data capture Statistical analysis Survey methodology development Web map Web site