Posts in Category: Ecology

Feasibility study for the development of a Connectivity Assessment Tool for Kent and Nord-Pas de Calais

Client: Kent County Council

Habitat connectivity assessmentexeGesIS were contracted to undertake a feasibility study on the development of a tool to assess functional ecological connectivity. This involved an assessment of user needs, a review of the available methods and approaches, a stakeholder workshop to identify the preferred options and the development of a functional specification.

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Marine intertidal habitat review and assessment

Client: Countryside Council for Wales

Marine intertidal habitat analysis softwareexeGesIS analysed Marine Intertidal Phase 1 data for the whole of Wales using the standard CCW Conservation Assessment Protocol and a bespoke database application in Microsoft Access. This application reads and analysis the original survey data to produce reports containing the results, measured against SSSI selection criteria.

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Habitat inventory data capture and processing

Client: Natural England / English Nature

Coastal Vegetated ShingleexeGesIS has produced habitat inventories for coastal vegetated shingle, saline lagoons, grassland and upland Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) habitats. These involved collating spatial data, capturing paper-based data, aerial photograph interpretation, ground truthing and processing available data to create standardised national datasets.

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Scoping Study and Pilot Survey of Upland Habitats

Client: National Parks and Wildlife Service

Upland habitat mapping in IrelandThis project involved the collation and evaluation of a suite of ecological datasets, the production of an indicative map of upland habitats, an investigation of upland field data collection options, and capturing all survey data to GIS.

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Stone curlew disturbance analysis

Client: Cambridge University, the RSPB and English Nature

Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemusexeGesIS used a GIS model to predict the effects of disturbance from visual stimuli on nesting stone curlew Burhinus oedicnemus. This was used to map and graph the effects of different disturbances on the birds and identify the best areas to undertake habitat management to encourage nesting.

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