Posts in Category: Historic Environment Record

Norfolk Heritage Explorer

Client: Norfolk Historic Environment Service

Norfolk Heritage ExplorerWorking closely together with Norfolk Landscape Archaeology we developed the Norfolk Heritage Explorer, a sophisticated website making Norfolk's rich Historic Environment Record data accessible to the public. The website has recently been given a facelift, becoming the first of our heritage websites to use the mojoPortal CMS.

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Exmoor's Past

Client: Exmoor National Park Authority

Exmoor's Past Exegesis was selected to work with Exmoor NPA staff to develop the 'Exmoor's Past' website as part of the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record (ENPHER) development project. This increased the searchability and range of publically available data, also presenting the information in an imaginative, attractive, user-friendly way.

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Lincolnshire Heritage @ Risk Project

Client: Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire Heritage at RiskThis innovative project created a network of volunteer Heritage Stewards who carry out surveys of the survival and condition of Lincolnshire's heritage. These volunteers are trained to survey all types of heritage assets and feed the information into an 'at risk' database. Exegesis developed the web site for the project.

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Bedford Borough Council Scanning/LibraryLink Project

Client: Bedford Borough Council

Bedford Borough CouncilBedford Borough Council commissioned the scanning of the paper files contained within their Historic Environment Record (HER), in order to reduce physical storage requirements and make the data available online. exeGesIS contributed towards this project by associating the scanned images with the relevant records in HBSMR.

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Highland HER Online

Client: The Highland Council

Highland HER coverageexeGesIS was commissioned by The Highland Council to migrate their existing Historic Environment Record (HER) systems into our HBSMR application platform. With an area the size of a small country, a key part of this work was to publish the HER online, to make it more accessible to Highland residents and heritage professionals.

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Revealing Cheshire's Past

Client: Cheshire West and Chester Council

Revealing Cheshire's PastRevealing Cheshire’s Past aims to enhance community awareness of Cheshire’s past by increasing access to the information in the Cheshire Historic Environment Record (HER). The project includes community exhibitions, a series of thematic factsheets and a website developed by exeGesIS to present the HER.

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Client: Natural England and Historic England

Selected Heritage Inventory for England - SHINESelected Heritage Inventory for Natural England (SHINE) is an on-line system for Entry and Higher Level Stewardship agri-environment schemes. SHINE manages consultations with Historic Environment Records (HERs) to deliver asset inventories and Farm Environment Plan HER Responses during the HLS application process.

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