Kent County Council maintains a wide range of publicly accessible information resources on the County’s heritage, in particular the Historic Environment Record (HER). The HER contains information on over 40,000 archaeological discoveries and listed buildings. The collection also includes more than 4,000 archaeological reports and numerous photographs and maps.

The Exploring Kent’s Past project sought to make these resources as widely available as possible. Previously, the only way to see this information was to make an appointment at County Hall in Maidstone. Now users can access the Historic Environment Record from the comfort of their own homes. The project was supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the website was built by exeGesIS using HBSMR Gateway and HBSMR-web.
An important part of the project was to encourage the use of heritage information within education. To help meet this aim three educational packs, for use by school children as part of the national curriculum, were created.
An interactive map with search tools is provided.

Further information from Crispin Flower.