Posts in Category: Desktop application

UKDMOS Archive Importer and Database

Client: JNCC

This desktop application imports archives from the UKDMOS database into SQL Server and converts the spatial data into SQL geometry layers. It creates layers that can be used by JNCC when assessing the extent of UK marine monitoring according to each broad marine discipline (e.g. biodiversity, physical oceanography and fisheries).

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CMSi Designated Sites System

Client: Natural England

Development of CMSi Property & Agreements ModuleExegesis is extending CMSi for Natural England to allow it to be used for managing all designated sites in England. This will allow users to record the features on designated sites, their condition, the ownership on those sites, find out which other designations overlap their site including which SSSIs legally underpin Natura2000 sites.

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CMSi Property & Agreements Module

Client: GBNL (a consortium of Dutch conservation organisations) and CMSC

Development of CMSi Property & Agreements ModuleexeGesIS created a set of modules that allowed ownership data, all property transactions, agreements, rights and assets to be integrated with site and management plan data held in CMSi. This transforms CMSi into a complete site management system rather than just about conservation planning and recording.

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Species Observations and Vegetation Recording Module

Client: GBNL (a consortium of Dutch conservation organisations)

Species observation and vegetation recording module for the Conservation Management System CMSiThe observations and vegetation mapping module for CMSi was developed to allow managers to integrate wildlife records and vegetation surveys with their site data. This covers site monitoring projects, incidental records, data browsing and filtering, and includes a sophisticated report wizard.

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Highland HER Online

Client: The Highland Council

Highland HER coverageexeGesIS was commissioned by The Highland Council to migrate their existing Historic Environment Record (HER) systems into our HBSMR application platform. With an area the size of a small country, a key part of this work was to publish the HER online, to make it more accessible to Highland residents and heritage professionals.

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Habitat and land use GIS tool

Client: Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre (HBIC)

Habitat and land use toolThe purpose of the habitat and land-use toolkit was to maintain and update a GIS habitat layer and associated attributes in a relational database. The tool manages the link between the GIS and database, ensuring that any changes to the features or the attributes are reflected in all data.

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Marine Recorder for JNCC

Client: Joint Nature Conservation Committee

Marine RecorderexeGesIS developed and provides support for Marine Recorder, a system for storing, managing and querying marine data. The system is used by some 40 organisations representing 130 individual users. We also provide training in the use of the software.

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