Gower hedgerow mapping Client: City and County of Swansea Council We created a hedgerow map for the Gower based upon Ordnance Survey MasterMap and aerial photograph interpretation. The resulting dataset contained 22,370 features of which 17,013 were thought to be hedges. ... read more January 2017. Categories: Biodiversity Ecology GIS Habitat inventory Habitat map Spatial data capture
Production of a provisional inventory of Open Mosaic Habitat on Previously Developed Land in England Client: Natural England Exegesis were contracted to create and refine a complete provisional inventory of Open Mosaic Habitat (OMH) in England. We used a combination of available data sources and aerial photograph interpretation to accurately map possible OMH, also capturing information on the confidence that OMH was present. ... read more December 2014. Categories: Biodiversity Brownfield Ecology GIS Habitat inventory Spatial data capture
Options for an inventory of Annex I habitats Client: Natural England Exegesis investigated the options for creating an Annex I habitat inventory for England. This involved a review of approaches taken by other European Union countries and the data available in the UK. A recommended approach was suggested, along with the provision of prototype inventories to show potential coverage. ... read more March 2014. Categories: Biodiversity Data processing Desk research Ecology GIS Habitat inventory
Definition and mapping of open mosaic habitats on previously developed land: phase 2 testing methods and developing the habitat inventory Client: Defra We identified the key features and enhanced knowledge of the distribution of UK BAP Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land. This involved the development of a survey methodology and a survey of 98 sites to identify OMH habitat, including a survey of invertebrates on 50 - the largest single survey of its kind in the UK. ... read more April 2013. Categories: Biodiversity Brownfield Consultation Data analysis Database Desk research Ecology Habitat inventory Habitat survey Invertebrate survey Spatial data capture Statistical analysis Survey methodology development Web map Web site
Creating a provisional wood-pasture and parkland inventory for England Client: Natural England Over a series of projects exeGesIS created a spatial inventory of wood pasture and parkland in England. Data were assessed against historic maps and aerial photography, as well as modern data sources. Ground truthing was undertaken in two regions. The resulting inventory mapped 156,838 ha of wood-pasture and parkland. ... read more March 2012. Categories: Biodiversity Data analysis Data processing Ecology GIS Habitat inventory Spatial data capture
Habitat inventory data capture and processing Client: Natural England / English Nature exeGesIS has produced habitat inventories for coastal vegetated shingle, saline lagoons, grassland and upland Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) habitats. These involved collating spatial data, capturing paper-based data, aerial photograph interpretation, ground truthing and processing available data to create standardised national datasets. ... read more January 2010. Categories: Biodiversity Ecology Habitat inventory Spatial data capture
Ancient Woodland Inventory data capture/comparison and processing Client: Forestry Commission exeGesIS produced an updated map of ancient woodland in Wales . Woodlands were mapped according to forest type determined from aerial photographs. The resulting dataset was more compatible with other rural land-use datasets, such as the agricultural Integrated Administration and Control System. ... read more January 2009. Categories: GIS Habitat inventory Spatial data capture
The National Pond Monitoring Network Client: The Pond Conservation Trust The Pond Conservation Trust commissioned exeGesIS to develop a database for pond survey data, recruit information of relevance, create an inventory of ponds in the UK, enable online collection of pond information from members of the public and present pond information online. ... read more February 2006. Categories: Database Desktop application Habitat inventory Web site
Habitat Data Entry Tool Client: English Nature exeGesIS developed data input and verification software that could be run from within the user's standard GIS interface. This ensured that English Nature's habitat inventories could be amalgamated quickly and efficiently, and standardised the data attributes. Support and training for the system was provided by exeGesIS. ... read more January 2004. Categories: Desktop application GIS Habitat inventory Spatial data capture