Pennine Bridleway Survey

Client: Natural England

Pennine Bridleway SurveyIn early 2014, exeGesIS worked with Natural England on a baseline survey of the 330 km long Pennine Bridleway,  the only National Trail designed primarily for use by horse riders. This work involved developing the survey methodology, provision of survey equipment and technical support, and analysis of the data collected on the survey.

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South Downs Survey

Client: South Downs National Park Authority

South Downs SurveyThe South Downs National Park Authority asked exeGesIS to carry out a complete baseline survey of the Serpent Trail and the South Downs Way, totalling nearly 300 km. exeGesIS worked with the Authority to develop the methodology for the survey, and then completed all setup, fieldwork, data analysis and reporting in just eight weeks.

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Archive Transformation - Relocation to DeepStore

Client: Cambridgeshire County Council

CCC archive relocation to DeepStoreCambridgeshire County Council has relocated much of its archaeological archive to DeepStore in Cheshire. All items in the existing archive were recatalogued and exeGesIS provided a technical solution to capture archive data for inclusion in the county's Historic Environment Record, which is stored and managed in HBSMR.

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North York Moors Mobile Buildings at Risk Survey

Client: North York Moors National Park Authority

North York Moors Mobile Buildings at Risk SurveyWe worked with North York Moors National Park Authority to fulfil their Heritage At Risk Pilot project, developing a mobile “app” plus mechanisms for managing authentication and synchronising the survey data with the main Historic Environment Record database.

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Client: Zero Waste Scotland and Fly Tipping Action Wales

Flymapper fly tipping website and mobile app

FlyMapper is a tool for the reporting and management of fly tipping incidents. Developed by Exegesis, FlyMapper combines field recording of incidents via a mobile application and the management of data through a central database which is shared by multiple organisations.

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CMSi Designated Sites System

Client: Natural England

Development of CMSi Property & Agreements ModuleExegesis is extending CMSi for Natural England to allow it to be used for managing all designated sites in England. This will allow users to record the features on designated sites, their condition, the ownership on those sites, find out which other designations overlap their site including which SSSIs legally underpin Natura2000 sites.

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Using HBSMR to record Local Wildlife Site data

Client: Cheshire West and Chester Council

CW&C LWS data in HBSMRCheshire West and Chester Council completed the task of creating a new register of locally designated wildlife sites. The new list was to be stored and managed in HBSMR, which had been in use by the Cheshire Historic Environment Record since 2002. exeGesIS was contracted to develop and install the necessary customisations.

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Client: Natuurmonumenten

Development of CMSi APIThe CMSi API is a set of web services that allows CMSi data to be exported and imported into other systems via a standard HTTP requests. The API is available for all plugin modules to CMSi (for example the Property and Agreements module, Observations and Vegetation module) and is part of the core CMSi system.

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Volumetric analysis using a mini-plane DSM

Client: Natural Resources Wales

Volumetric analysis using a mini-plane DSMExegesis undertook an aerial survey of a site and orthorectified and mosaicked the imagery to create a single image. We also generate a digital surface model, which was compared against lidar data to give the change in height. We then determined the volume of additional material within patches identified from the aerial photography.

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