A system for categorizing the rarity and scarcity of Irish invertebrates Client: National Parks and Wildlife Service Exegesis developed a novel approach for consistently determining rarity statuses, distributions and mapping Irish invertebrates. ... read more September 2022. Categories: Biodiversity Data analysis Data processing Ecology GIS
Deer Vehicle Collisions in Scotland Analysis Client: NatureScot Exegesis analysed the distribution and scale of Deer Vehicle Collisions in Scotland, covering data from 2008 to 2021. ... read more July 2022. Categories: Biodiversity Data analysis Data processing Database Ecology GIS Statistical analysis
Review of occurrence and options for control of Common Cord-grass in Ireland Client: National Parks and Wildlife Service Exegesis undertook a review of common cord-grass in Ireland. This covered its impacts on ecosystems, distribution and extent, and a review of control techniques. ... read more December 2020. Categories: Conservation Management Planning Data analysis Ecology GIS Habitat map Invasive species Literature review Marine data
Wales bait digging survey Client: Natural Resources Wales Exegesis were contracted to establish whether aerial imagery from UAVs could be used to investigate the spatial and temporal extent of bait digging at selected sites in Wales. ... read more May 2020. Categories: 3D analysis Biodiversity Data analysis Ecology GIS Habitat map Habitat survey Marine data mini-plane Spatial data capture
Morfa Friog Coastal Realignment Project saltmarsh vegetation monitoring Client: Natural Resources Wales Exegesis was contracted to establish vegetation monitoring at a saltmarsh coastal realignment site. This required the collection of high resolution aerial imagery, quadrat based vegetation survey, mapping in GIS and production of a detailed report. ... read more January 2019. Categories: 3D analysis Biodiversity Data analysis Ecology GIS Habitat map Habitat survey mini-plane Spatial data capture
Wood-pasture and parkland data analysis Client: Natural England We demonstrated through spatial processing and statistical analysis that it may be possible to predict wood pasture and parkland quality. This project generated a model that could be used to target survey effort to those sites with the highest predicted quality. ... read more April 2016. Categories: Biodiversity Data analysis Data processing Desk research Ecology GIS Invertebrate survey Statistical analysis
Common cord-grass Spartina anglica and its management in estuarine Natura 2000 sites Client: Natural England Exegesis were contracted to undertake a review of Spartina anglica in England’s Natura 2000 Sites. This covered its impacts on designated features, effects on accretion and erosion, distribution and extent, and a review of control techniques. A protocol was developed to monitor S. anglica and help identify any negative impact. ... read more October 2014. Categories: Data analysis Desk research Ecology GIS Habitat map Habitat survey Invasive species Literature review Marine data Survey methodology development
Understanding the impact of invasive non-native species on protected sites Client: Natural England exeGesIS were contracted to investigate the distribution of non-native species on protected sites in England, to help develop a programme of work to tackle Invasive Non-Native Species. Large scale data analysis was used to determine which protected site each species occurred within. We also reviewed data flow within Natural England. ... read more August 2014. Categories: Biodiversity Data analysis Data processing Data translation Ecology GIS Invasive species
Development of Fishing Effort Toolkit Client: Cefas exeGesIS SDM undertook two projects for Cefas to create and update a bespoke Fishing Effort Toolkit that allowed end users to process raw GPS tracks and sighting data and undertake a standardised process to calculate fishing effort for one or more years. ... read more July 2014. Categories: Bespoke GIS tool Data analysis GIS Marine data
Volumetric analysis using a mini-plane DSM Client: Natural Resources Wales Exegesis undertook an aerial survey of a site and orthorectified and mosaicked the imagery to create a single image. We also generate a digital surface model, which was compared against lidar data to give the change in height. We then determined the volume of additional material within patches identified from the aerial photography. ... read more November 2013. Categories: 3D analysis Data analysis Data processing GIS mini-plane