Scottish Litter Monitoring System Client: Zero Waste Scotland We were contracted to provide a mobile and web-based system to monitor litter and fly-tipping for organisations in Scotland. ... read more November 2018. Categories: App Content Management System Database GIS In-field technology Mobile Smartphone Survey Web map Web site
Developing CAMS Mobile Client: Central Bedfordshire Council Working with Central Bedfordshire Council, exeGesIS developed a mobile solution for data collection in the field. This presented us with a number of technical challenges, including how to synchronise with CAMS data and how to work "offline" when there is no mobile or wifi signal. The result has been a highly robust and flexible application. ... read more August 2014. Categories: App CAMS Countryside access Mobile Path survey Rights of Way Smartphone Volunteer surveys
North York Moors Mobile Buildings at Risk Survey Client: North York Moors National Park Authority We worked with North York Moors National Park Authority to fulfil their Heritage At Risk Pilot project, developing a mobile “app” plus mechanisms for managing authentication and synchronising the survey data with the main Historic Environment Record database. ... read more February 2014. Categories: App Heritage Historic Environment Record In-field technology Mobile Smartphone Volunteer surveys
FlyMapper Client: Zero Waste Scotland and Fly Tipping Action Wales FlyMapper is a tool for the reporting and management of fly tipping incidents. Developed by Exegesis, FlyMapper combines field recording of incidents via a mobile application and the management of data through a central database which is shared by multiple organisations. ... read more December 2013. Categories: App Database In-field technology Mobile Smartphone Web map Web site
Species Observations and Vegetation Recording Module Client: GBNL (a consortium of Dutch conservation organisations) The observations and vegetation mapping module for CMSi was developed to allow managers to integrate wildlife records and vegetation surveys with their site data. This covers site monitoring projects, incidental records, data browsing and filtering, and includes a sophisticated report wizard. ... read more March 2013. Categories: Biodiversity CMSi Conservation Management Planning Database Desktop application Ecology Habitat survey In-field technology Mobile Smartphone
Coast Alive Smartphone Project Client: Norfolk County Council We developed two mobile applications that demonstrated how rights of way data from Norfolk County Council and Zeeland can be consumed, shared and updated by mobile users. The applications allow the mobile user to see data and information in their local area, edit that information and report issues back to the host databases. ... read more December 2012. Categories: In-field technology Rights of Way Smartphone